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Discovering and experiencing play together

Toy Museum Mechelen challenges people to step into the world of play, toys and games. In an informed, educational and interactive way, we introduce people to the concept, evolution, skills and pleasure of play. Our collection is the starting point, but the visitor is central. Visitors guide each other through extraordinary heritage of the past and present. Toy Museum Mechelen encourages them to discover and experience together. Thus, play, toys and games are experienced in a surprising and profound way, showing the importance of play and toys in everyone's life.


Play, toys and games push boundaries

Whether you are young or old or wherever you live or come from: everyone plays. Play, toys and games teach us a range of skills, give us insight into societies and connect people. It pushes mental and social boundaries. With its collection and approach, Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen wants to broaden the view on play, games and toys and highlight their importance. On top of that, Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen wants to let everyone interact around heritage in a sustainable way, for which the museum also goes beyond the boundaries of the physical museum. Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen offers a platform to get in touch with each other and encourage people to invent new forms and ways of playing.

Our 5 core values

Insight, surprise, connection, discovery and play experience.

Discovery and play experience are the basis for everything that Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen does. Visitors experience and discover what play, toys and games trigger. They learn about play principles, discover what skills are needed and experience what play can trigger emotionally. Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen wants to both surprise and connect its visitors.

In Toy Museum Mechelen, not only is a unique collection on display, but visitors also experience play in a surprising way, together with others. The visitors guide each other and together they discover everything about play, toys and games. This way, visitors leave the museum with countless new insights and experience the importance of play and toys in our world.

Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen challenges people to step into the world of play, toys and games. In an informed, educational and interactive way, we introduce people to the concept, evolution, skills and pleasure of play. Our collection is the starting point, but the visitors themselves are central. They guide each other through special heritage from the past and present. We encourage them to discover and experience together. Thus, play, toys and games are experienced in a surprising and profound way, and we show the importance of play and toys in everyone's life.




The realisation of the museum was commissioned by Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen vzw. With the support of the City of Mechelen, Flemish Community, National Lottery and NMBS.

Structural partners
City of Mechelen
Flemish Government - Department of Culture, Youth and Media

Project partner
National Lottery

Logo partners


Board of directors

Abdrahman Labsir
Alexander Vandersmissen
Bart Somers
Bart Stroobants, voorzitter
Björn Siffer
Erik Heylen, ondervoorzitter
Jolien Galle
Nora Ed-Daoui
Peter Van den Eijnde

Director of Toy Museum Mechelen

Niek De Meester

The inspirers of Toy Museum Mechelen

Frieda De Smedt
Jef Heylen

Team Communication

Elise Coudré
Silvie Strobbe

Team Collection

Lore Lievens
Marc Wellens
Vanessa De Geest

Team Logistics

Johan Nees
Lydie Van Steenwinkel
Suna Akbas
Suad Yuhanna

Reception and Reservations Team

Jana Vandesande
Soufiane Belkhiri
Zohra El Kaddouri

Team Audience

Elise Coudré
Lore Lievens
Mieke Dumont

Museum building


PRO FORMa studio (Kris Hubaut) & Sofie Ooms architects
IRS Studiebureau (Bruno Depré, with Ellen Buelens and Seyfettin Zerey)

Accessibility advice


With thanks to



Adalbert Gans
G&D Construct
HVH reclame

Museum display


Duinzand museale projecten
PRO FORMa studio
Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen

Scenography and lighting

PRO FORMa studio en SOFIE OOMS architecten


Allard Pierson Museum, Gallo Romeins Museum Tongeren, KMKG Brussel, Loterijmuseum, Koning Boudewijnstichting, Musea Brugge, Museum Hof van Busleyden, Speelkaartenmuseum Turnhout.

Player portraits

Alana Joos, Arum Zerlina Van Belle, Bas Deweerdt, Davy Joos, Debora Beke, Ingrid Vanvuchelen, Jan Tahon, Nancy Joos, Robbe Wuyts, Shaoqi Youssef, Ysabel Hemmerechts

Vrijwilligers wetenschappelijke dienst:

Annie Dujardin, Anja Smets, Arnaud Eekelaers, Axelle Dox, Bram Hendrickx, Britt Van Gelder, Claire Van Laere, Dieter Van Hammée, Dirk Mannaerts, Elien Mabbe, Eline Vandenbosch, Emma Nies, Envy Smolders, Eric Bogaerts, Femke Plovie, Guido Lambaerts, Halyna Chyslovska, Hannah Jönsson, Hannelore Ools, Inga Chyslovska, Inge Cloetens, Ingrid Adriaensens, Jany De Ceuster, Jef Beirinckx, Josiane Rombouts, Kato Pelgrims, Katja Van Gaal, Laure Delannoy, Leen Janssen, Lu-Ann Tsai, Lydie Wils,  Maitreyi Ribeiro de Calazans Duarte, Marjolijn Bijloos, Marleen Smeyers, Marc De Win, Mimi Van Offel, Nadine Kerrinckx, Octovina Matulessy, Petra Van der Meiren, Reinhilde Vander Meulen, Rita Raffo, Sam Destrycker,  Siegrid Vereertbrugghen, Tjabbe Nijs, Tom Delellio.      

Met dank aan:

Anne-Sophie Delaissé, Caitlin Steinfort, David Verbruggen, Eefje Boonen, Katia Van Campenhout, Luc Verheyen, Marc Rubben, Michi-Hiro Tamaï, Steven Defoor, Sylvie De Weze, Vera Janssens, Youri Loedts. 

Audience mediation

While We’re Here

Graphic design, logo and corporate identity
De Bemanning

Interactive set-up ‘soapbox race'
Devillé Arcade

Marketing consultancy


Overarching game
Plug n’ Play

B Write (copywriting)
Oneliner (translation)
Toy Museum Mechelen

Volunteer audience support

Chris De Mey, Chris Van Cauwenberg, Connie De Weyer, Danny Binst, Els Portael, Evelien Bruijnje, Erwin Vervoort, Guido Franckx, Imane Lamrini, Jean Cassimon, Jolien Doru, Josy Marien, Karine Decoster, Karla De Ceulener, Laura Hencker, Lina Mejdoubi, Linda Van der Auwera, Luc Sterck, Manuela Hencker, Marie-Louise Wittens, Marc Goovaerts, Marc Reyniers, Mona Maktoufi, Myriam Smits, Nadia Sonck, Natalie Vereycken, Peter Burman, Peter Verroken, Raymond De Haes, Rina Cnops, Semya Verlinden, Steven Pols  

Student workers exploitation

Amirreza Behnagh, Cato Boonen, Dina, Laura Hencker, Louise Boonen, Manuela Vandenplas, Rimma, Sam Behnagh, Soufiane Belkhiri, Wolf Van Win

Toy partners

999 games
Belgische Speelgoedfederatie
Belgische Speelgoedfederatie / Jumax
BS Toys
Goliath Games
Hageland Educatief
Hop Up
Huis van Alijn
Identity Games

Janssen - Fritsen
Just Games
Vives Spellenlab
VR Base Mechelen
White Goblin Games



The first steps were taken as early as 1980, but on 23 April 1982, Speelgoedmuseum Mechelen officially opened its doors for the first time. Since 1999, the museum received the quality label of accredited museum, with a classification at supra-local level from 2003. Throughout its history of more than 40 years, the museum has built up one of the largest toy collections in Europe with more than 35,000 objects.


Who is who

Not sure who to turn to? 

Toy Museum Team

General e-mail addresses: 


Independent non-profit

Toy Museum Mechelen non-profit

Toy Museum Mechelen is an is an independent non-profit organisation. The members of the General Assembly have final control over the organisation's operation. They compose the governing body, which meets at least once a quarter to evaluate the work done and the results. Chairman and vice-chairman together with the general director form the Daily Board. The operation of Tou Museum Mechelen is realised by an enthusiastic team of permanent employees supplemented by a group of passionate volunteers.

Members General Assembly and Board of Directors

Board of Directors: 

  • Abdrahman Labsir
  • Alexander Vandersmissen
  • Bart Somers
  • Bart Stroobants
  • Bjorn Siffer
  • Erik Heylen
  • Jolien Galle
  • Niek De Meester
  • Peter Van den Eynde
  • Nora Ed-daoui

General Assembly:

  • Frieda De Smedt
  • Jozef Heylen
  • Rina Cnops
  • Frans Verheyden
  • Marc Wellens
  • Mieke Dumont
  • Karine Decoster
  • Anja Rigauts
  • Patrick Wouters



There are currently no vacancies at Mechelen Toy Museum.

However, we are always looking for new volunteers to both stand in the museum, and help behind the scenes with collection pieces.

Would you like to become a volunteer at the new museum? Then contact